Tuesday, September 22, 2009

attoricities on women

The atrocities against women are on rise. A decade ago, it used to be dowry deaths and in many cases the victim and culprit used to be women only. Education, economic independence, nuclear families and stricter implementation of law have made dowry deaths a thing of the past to a great extent. Now a days it is love “sickness” that is leading to acid attacks and murders. In the recent case at Rajahmundry , the parents were stabbed to death and the girl suffered serious injuries in an attack by a stalker. The victim Anusha’s statement that the accused should be physically eliminated echoes the murderous agony of an young girl who stands orphaned due to the savage act of a misguided youth. No amount of sympathy and monetary benefits can compensate her loss, grief and trauma. The present day films are to be blamed to certain extent for this kind of maladies afflicting the youth. In the contemporary cinema, parents and teachers are shown in poor light and goondaism is glorified. There is no sense of fear of law as punishment is not awarded in the foreseeable future. DESPERATE SITUATIONS WARRANT DESPERATE MEASURES and the remedy for the current calamities lies in swift justice and its enforcement. This can be brought by creation of special courts with special powers and provisions and it’s verdict should be final. All concerned must act as if the tragedy had occurred in our own family and then only we will have the boldness to adopt new measures. People have already started praying and preferring the kind of POLICE ACTION which took place in Warangal recently under similar circumstances where the accused was killed in an encounter and no tears were shed.

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